The following comments are provided relating to this initiative:

The Chair advises that there is no monetary obligation required from the Diversity Committee.

Moved by Y. Huff, seconded by R. Al-Saadi,

That the Letter of Support for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Connection grant applicat ion from Dr. Jane Ku (Sociology/Women’s and Gender Studies) along with colleagues at the University of Windsor to hold a conference on racism and antiracism with an emphasis on local experience in Windsor Essex BE APPROVED .


5.2 Council Question – July 13, 2020 City Council Meeting

This matter is deferred to the October 20, 2020 meeting of the Diversity Committee.

5.3 Phase 2 of the Diversity & Inclusion Plan Subcommittee

This matter is deferred to the October 20, 2020 meeting of the Diversity Committee.

6. Other Business
