Item No. 8.1

Council Report: CM 29/2020

Subject: Endorsement of Thom Hunt as the Regional Planning Commissioner of Ontario Chair


Date to Council: December 21, 2020
Author: Thom Hunt, MCIP, RPP
City Planner/ Executive Director
519-255-6543, ext. 6897
Planning & Building Services
Report Date: November 25, 2020
Clerk’s File #: SPL2020

To : Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT Thom Hunt, MCIP, RPP, City Planner, BE APPROVED to participate as Chair of the Regional Planning Commissioners of Ontario (RPCO) for a (3) year term in accordance with Council Resolution 1211/85.

Executive Summary:



The Regional Planning Commissioners of Ontario (RPCO) represent the Chief Planners from both large upper and single-tier municipal governments across Ontario. They meet on a regular bi-monthly basis to discuss provincial and national planning issues of mutual interest, and advocate positions on behalf of the member municipalities to both the provincial and federal governments.