RPCO and its five Sub-Committees identify priority issues, develop common positions, and communicate these to key decision makers. RPCO also works to enhance awareness of key interrelated city planning issues including economic development, housing, climate change, infrastructure, transit, and quality of life markers.

The current City Planner/Executive Director of Planning Department as been a member of RPCO since 2007 and currently serves as its Vice-Chair.


At its meeting on November 6, 2020 City Planner, Thom Hunt was elected as Chair of RPCO.

Brian Bridgeman (Durham Region) and Steve Robichaud (City of Hamilton) were elected as Vice Chairs, and Paul Freeman (York Region) was elected as Greater Golden Horseshoe Caucus Chair.

City Council approval is being requested in accordance with CR1211/85, which governs such elections/appointments.

Given the importance of continuing relationships between municipalities, industry, and Provincial/federal government s, Mr. Hunt’s cont inued involvement with the Association and its members from single-tier and upper-tier municipalities across the Province will be of significant benefit to the City of Windsor by aligning the City with knowledge, information and best practices at the forefront of key city planning initiatives.

Risk Analysis:

There is limited risk to the Corporation. Deputy City Planners are empowered to make decisions on behalf of the City Planner in the event of an absence for RPCO business meeting attendance or otherwise. Professional positions articulated by RPCO are by design consistent with those of the representative municipalities and therefore pose no risk exposure to the City itself.

Climate Change Risks

Climate Change Mitigation:


Climate Change Adaptation:

Financial Matters:

There are some future costs related to travel and accommodation as per normal attendance at meetings within the Province, and generally held in the Toronto area that will be required when Covid restrictions end.