Mr. Sleiman asked if there is any province where costs and revenue equal. The General Manager stated that he is not aware of any municipality where revenue exceeds the cost of the program.

Mr. Sleiman asked if the overall net cost of almost $5 million is split 50-50 between the City and the County.

The General Manager stated that this will be presented at the November Board meeting during the 2021 budget deliberation. He stated that total costs of all programs are in the mid to high $20 million range.

Mr. Kaschak stated that it is great to see where Essex-Windsor stands out compared to London.

Moved by Ed Sleiman
Seconded by Gary McNamara

THAT the Board receive the Essex-Windsor Blue Box Cost report as information.


Carried Unanimously

B. Food and Organic Policy Statement

The General Manager referred to page 12 of the agenda package. He stated that the report is quite detailed but will provide a brief overview and pause for any questions, comments and discussion.

The General Manager stated that the purpose of the report is in response to the Board resolution at the September 15, 2020 Board meeting. He stated that the topic is very complex in regards to how the Board wishes to proceed under the Province’s Policy Statement to achieve certain food and organic waste targets by 2025. He also stated that three municipalities are not compelled to have a food waste program. Those municipalities are Essex, Kingsville and Lakeshore.

The General Manager provided some background regarding the policy statement. The policy statement compels Windsor to implement curbside collection of food waste, also known as a green bin program and to achieve a diversion by 2025 of 70%. Leamington, Tecumseh, Amherstburg and LaSalle would not be compelled to have curbside collection and their diversion target is lower at 50% is lower. Although Lakeshore, Essex and Kingsville are not compelled they could choose to do so by 2025. Most of the large Ontario municipalities have food waste programs and have had them for quite some time. Some of the municipalities that do not have food waste programs are London, Chatham-Kent, Sarnia, Brantford and Norfolk County.

The General Manager stated that nothing has taken place in the last year or so after the Ministry consulted with the municipalities. The lack of processing availability and end markets continues to be a concern to municipalities. He noted that the Ministry has