acknowledged that it’s been over a year without communication with municipalities and on September 30 th they issued a communication advising that “guidance” will be released “in the coming months”. The General Manager stated that this is the general background without getting into much detail. He stated that there isn’t uniformity like the Blue Box collection where everyone receives the same level of service.

Mr. Costante thanked Administration for the report for someone like him who just started on the Board and this matter will be here soon. Mr. Costante referred to the chart on page 18 that outlines the numbers comparing Windsor and the other municipalities that require the same service. Mr. Costante would like an explanation on how the numbers are derived.

The General Manager stated that only in “urban settlement areas” would there have to be some type of collection or a depot. The Ministry states that targets have to be achieved only in the urban settlement areas. The General Manager stated that all of Windsor would be considered urban settlement. For example, the General Manager stated that pre-amalgamation Amherstburg would be considered an urban settlement area and not Anderdon or Malden. The General Manager stated that there is a definition in the report that explains what is an urban settlement area. The General Manager stated that an urban settlement area is defined as an “urban area within municipalities that are built up areas where development is concentrated and which have a mix of land uses”. The General Manager stated that Amherstburg and perhaps Tecumseh, LaSalle and Leamington would not have to derive their target diversion number from their entire population.

The General Manager went on to explain how he prepared the table on page 18 of the agenda.

Mr. Costante suggested one would need to explore what the actual urban settlement areas would be in each municipality to see what the actual numbers would be and not use the numbers in the report.

The General Manager suggested that each municipality’s planning department would be best able to define its urban settlement area(s).

Mr. Costante stated that he has a motion at the appropriate time.

Mr. McNamara stated that an emergency has been declared regarding climate change. He thinks the report and the timing is good and looking at the requirements in terms of our greenhouse gas reduction and looking at trying to satisfy zero carbon down the road. These are the foundational pieces if we are ever going to meet any of these requirements moving forward on climate change. This will have to be part of the solution.

Mr. McKenzie stated that he was delighted to hear the comments from the Warden and highlighting the importance to proceed with this kind of program to meet our climate