on a variety of factors, including value of infrastructure and median household income, ultimately a formula which is in alignment with the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund.

The details for the LG intake were opened November 17 th , 2020. The program is to support public infrastructure, defined as tangible capital assets, including temporary infrastructure related to pandemic response, primarily for public use and/or benefit. Eligible projects must fall under one of these four categories

Administration identified $32M in potential projects which meet the high-level criteria of the grant program. Of this amount approximately $1.2M was identified from Huron Lodge. After review of the LTC guidelines and confirmation on questions from the grant provider Huron Lodge requests fit within the LTC intake. As such these projects were redirected to the LTC intake, leaving just over $30.8M in potential projects to leverage the $3.2M in funding from the LG intake.

The following program guidelines assisted in reviewing and reducing the list of $30.8M in projects to align with the $3.2M in funding:

  1. Given provincial reviews are planned for completion Winter/Spring 2021 and then provided for federal review, consideration was given to projects which if notified by July 31 st , 2021 of being approved could still meet the December 31, 2021 requirement and;

  2. Projects which are able to start prior to September 30, 2021 and;

  3. Ability for project costs to be incurred by December 31, 2021 and;

  4. Ability to bundle several projects under the same Category and Asset Type to create one larger project and;

  5. Project will not be seeking sole sourcing, as this is strongly discouraged in this grant program and;

  6. If the project is in Category 2 and 4 can it meet the requirement to provide “ clear rationale in the project description of how they will support responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and/or economic recovery .” and;

  7. Is the project dependant on any other 3 rd party support and or effort for the project to be implemented which is not within the City’s control