funding is allocation based, and submissions will speak directly to the alignment of these projects with grant guidelines and objectives.

There is the potential risk that one or all projects submitted under the LTC intake may not be approved by either the provincial or federal reviewer. We do note that the grant provider has a focus on funding HVAC projects first and since work on Huron Lodge’ s HVAC system has already been completed it is not eligible. This means our projects will be vetted once all requests for HVAC funding have been reviewed. It is not easy to determine the level of risk associated with this as it is a competitive grant and we have no clarity on what types of projects and or volume of projects and funding requests could be forthcoming from other long term care facilities.

There is the potential risk that one or more projects under LG and or LTC are not able to be completed by the December 31, 2021. This risk is Medium/low as Administration is determining what work which can be completed prior to grant notification which will position the projects to proceed quickly once approved. We are also only putting forward projects which are able to be completed even if notification of being approved was not provided until July 31, 2021.

There is a risk that since the TW committee has not finalized the decision on permanent partitions this may impact timelines for the project. This risk is deemed low as the committee has been formed and includes all necessary representation inclusive of the union, all of whom want to see permanent barriers on the buses.

There is a risk that a project comes in over budget. The grant provider has confirmed that offsetting grant funding surpluses in one project for another with a deficit is not permitted. To mitigate this risk Administration has put forward a request for use of up to $750,000 in City funding to manage all ineligible costs and address any project deficits should they occur. In addition, this approach eliminates the need to request additional funding on a project from City Council, which would result in delays on the project putting timelines at risk for completion.

Climate Change Risks

Climate Change Mitigation:

Some of the projects recommended include development of additional trails as well as cycling facilities. In addition the installation of permanent barriers on the buses may help to encourage use of transit. The use of all these types of facilities is part of the direction to help reduce GHG emissions.

Climate Change Adaptation: