City Council
Monday, November 23, 2020

Decision Number: CR585/2020

That the report of the Senior Manager – Facilities dated November 6, 2020 entitled “Corporate Security Plan and Risk Assessment” BE DEFERRED to allow for additional information from administration.


Report Number: C 220/2020

Clerk’s File: AS2020


10.1. SPARKY'S TOY DRIVE - Windsor Firefighter Sean Costello presenting

Sean Costello, Windsor Firefighter

Sean Costello, Windsor Firefighter, appears before Council to provide an update on Sparky’s Toy Drive in light of the ongoing covid-19 pandemic and directs all interested parties to their website at www.sparkystoydrivewindsor.com .

Moved by: Councillor Kaschak

Seconded by: Councillor Bortolin

Decision Number: CR583/2020

That the presentation by Sean Costello, Windsor Firefighter, providing an update on Sparky’s Toy Drive for 2020 BE RECEIVED .


Clerk’s File: APR2020

8.4. Sewer and Coastal Flood Protection Master Plan Environmental Assessment - Filing the Notice of Study Completion - City-Wide

Flavio Forest, Project Manager; Chris Patten, Project Engineer; and Laura Herlehy, Project Engineer – Dillon Consulting

Flavio Forest, Project Manager; Chris Patten, Project Engineer; and Laura Herlehy, Project Engineer – Dillon Consulting, appear before Council and are available for questions regarding the notice of completion for the Sewer and Coastal Flood Protection Master Plan Environmental Assessment.

John Savage, Resident of Windsor

John Savage, resident of Windsor, appears before Council to provide comment regarding the notice of completion for the Sewer and Coastal Flood Protection Master Plan Environmental Assessment, stating that the flooding issue needs to be addressed, but objects to certain aspects