City Council
Monday, November 23, 2020

11.4. Declaration of Improved Property Municipally Known as 1253-1257 Wyandotte Street East Surplus and Authority to Offer for Sale - Ward 4

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie

Seconded by: Councillor Morrison

Decision Number: CR587/2020

  1. That the following City of Windsor (the “ City ”) improved property BE DECLARED surplus:

    • Municipal address: 1253-1257 Wyandotte Street East – improved property situate on the south side of Wyandotte Street East, west of Hall Avenue

    • Legal Description: Lots 403 and 404, Registered Plan 579

    • Approximate Lot size: 47 feet (14.3 m) x 118 feet (36 m)

    • Approximate Lot area: 5,565 sq ft (517 m 2 )

    • Improvements: Mixed Use Commercial Building
      (herein the “ Subject Property ”); and,

  2. That the Manager of Real Estate Services BE AUTHORIZED to offer the improved property identified in Recommendatio n I for sale on the Multiple Listing Service (“ MLS ”) at a price to be determined by the Manager of Real Estate Services commensurate with an independent appraisal.


Report Number: C 217/2020

Clerk’s File: APM2020

11.6. National Diaster Mitigation Program (NDMP) Intake 6 - West Windsor Flood Risk Assessment

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie
Seconded by: Councillor Morrison

Decision Number: CR571/2020

  1. That City Council APPROVE the project identified in this report for submission to the National Disaster Mitigation Program (NDMP) Intake 6; and,

  2. That the Chief Administrative Officer BE AUTHORIZED to execute any agreements, declarations or approvals required to submit an application to the NDMP program; and,

  3. That the City’s portion of matching funding in the amount of $200,000 BE APPROVED from currently allocated funding in the Sewer Master Plan Implementation project (#7199004); and,

  4. That the Chief Administrative Officer and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to take any such action and sign any such documentation as may be required to effect the recommendations