did, the bulk of the growth related expenses would still fall on the majority, (i.e., the existing taxpayers and ratepayers). It should also be mentioned that higher property taxes and/or lower service levels (inadequate infrastructure, etc.) will also negatively impact the ability to attract new investment or retain existing ones.

Appendix E is a summary of DC revenues received in the last decade. The beginning of this timeframe generally coincides with one of the worst recessions on record. As the economy improved in the last couple of years, the revenues from this source have increased to approximately $12 million annually. It is important to note that developers sometimes construct and pay for infrastructure that the City would be responsible to construct. In return, developers get credits from paying DC’s of a similar amount for that particular service. Therefore, the revenue figures noted above understate the real value of the DC’s to the ci ty.


Hemson Consulting Ltd.


Building & Planning


Development charges are a very important component of a municipality’s capita l budget funding strategy. This report recommends the implementation of the new calculated development charges for City-wide and Sandwich South Planning District rates, along with related policies as detailed within the report.

Planning Act Matters: N/A


Name Title
Tony Ardovini Deputy Treasurer – Financial Planning
John Revell Chief Building Officer
Thom Hunt Executive Director of Planning & Building Services & City Planner
Shelby Askin Hager City Solicitor
Mark Winterton City Engineer & Corporate Leader, Environmental Protection & Infrastructure
Joe Mancina Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer & Corporate Leader, Finance & Technology
Onorio Colucci Chief Administrative Officer