September 11, 2018

To: The Cooperation of the City of Windsor

Planning and building department Planning Division

Subject: To Abutting/ Interested Property Owners

Re: To close and convey the North/South Alley between Blackburn fit and Huron Church Rd. north of Maiden Road.(As shown on drawing)


This Is in response to your letter dated August 2018 Ref:( SAA/5612)

With respect to closer and conveyance of an above-mentioned portion of the alley, as the owner of 1797 Huron church and 0 Huron church vacant lot, I have some serious objections to the closing this part of the alley and request as follows:

  1. The whole alley be kept open and cleared of any obstacle for the people to use. 2. The unauthorized occupancy/blockage of this part of alley passage by the owner of house 03769 as shown in the drawing for a long time which is hurting my business be cleared ASAP.

  2. Similarly, the owner of House 113837 on East/West side of the alley has also been closed unauthorized, the city needs to take serious note and get it cleared from that end too.

  3. Moreover, close to Maiden road on the east side of house 113804, there are S full-grown trees in an alley and also at the back of house 03804 and 3810 there are about S6 tall trees In the alley which needs to be removed. The agency can't be used In the present situation and there is huge accumulation of rainwater which leads to mosquito growth in standing water. The space around the trees and In the corner end of the triangle is not properly taken care of.

  4. The applicant owns 1797 Huron Animal Hospital also as well as the real estate of 1797 and 0 Huron church. The clients are having serious difficulties while coming to the hospital, as well as to the parking lot. With the opening and making the alley workable, the city public and neighborhood will be served in a better way.

  5. Applicant and 3 more family members are concerned parties in Khahra Real Estate corp.( KREC) which will be affected If this pert of an alley close to house 43769 is closed with the result will adversely affect the business at present at 1797 and business opportunities In the future at 0 Huron Church vacant lot.

  6. The applicant also owns 0 Huron Church vacant lot which will be a developed business. Closer will affect businesses without hence, once again it Is humbly requested to keep the alley open and make It workable — not In this present bad situation which means trees in the alley (approx. 10-12 trees and house 1131437 and3769 Illegally occupied the alley. 

I am hopeful that you will take the necessary action soon for clearing the alley and make it workable.


Surinder Singh Khahra & family/ owners Khahra real estate corp. 1797 Huron church road.