TO: Mayor and Members of Council

FROM: Corporate Policy Coordinator

DATE: November 25, 2020

SUBJECT: Response to CO72-2020 Regarding Clothing Donation Bins (ReporM173 - 2020) 

Options for Me regulation of clothing domain bins were brought before Council at its meeting on September 28, 2020 through Report11137-1020. It was requested of the administration to determine possible licensing figures In order to estimate the con of licensing these bins. Specifically;

Decision Number: CM106/2020

That the report of the Corporate Policy Coordinator dated August 27, 2020 entitled "Response to CO22-2020 Regarding Clothing Donation Bins — City-Wide" BE DEFERRED to a future meeting to allow for delegation, and that AdmiMstratIon BE DIRECTED to provide as additional Information licensing figures so that there's an estimate as to the cost of a license.


 Following additional consultation with the Supervisor of Licensing, the following information Is being brought Mrward for consideration. As shown in the report, the majority of other municipalities have licensing fees whiM range fnant 10 - $S00 with the average being in the $200 range, per year. In some areas, a 'per bin' fee is added on top of that base fee as well as bins registered to charitable organizations paying a lower fee, based on that municipality discretion. While no direct or partial comparison In Windsor's Licensing Bylaw exists, fees associated with licenses that have similar approval requirements begin at $232 for an initial application fee and a )181 yearly renewal fee thereafter. These fees reflect zoning approval, the administration (issuance of the license)• by-law enforcement and any other general overhead costs. If Council were to direct Administration to add additional inspections the fees would Increase to with the cost of those inspections. The licensing fee schedules for new licenses as well as renewal fees are attached as 'Appendix A

It would also M noted that since this report was initially presented to CounM the Canadian Diabetes Association has reached out to Administration with a potential partnership option with regards M a ten. diversion program. Due to M competing priorities at this time, My proposal from the Canadian Diabetes Association has not yet been thoroughly reviewed but it is noted that if thls program were to move forward, a number of Me Issues addressed In Report 14137- 2020 would be, at the very least, partially mitigated. AdrninIstratMn expects M. a full review of this proposal In early 2021. A summary proposal from the Canadian Diabetes Association Is attached as 'Append: B' for Council's review at this time.