City-Wide Excluding Sandwich South Forecast (2020-2029)

For the purposes of the calculation of Roads and Related, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Municipal Drains, and Water DCs, which apply to development across the City with the exception of Sandwich South, the ten-year City-wide forecast was adjusted to exclude Sandwich South development anticipated to occur over that planning period.

Sandwich South Planning District Forecast (2020-2041)

An area-specific forecast for the Sandwich South Planning District, from 2020 to 2041, was prepared for the calculation of area-specific Roads and Related, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Municipal Drains, and Water development charges.

Calculated Development Charges

The tables below provide the development charges calculated City-wide as well as the Sandwich South Planning District service areas for residential and non-residential development based on the aforementioned forecasts.

The rates calculated as part of this Background Study are the maximum permissible rates under the current legislation. Council may implement rates lower than those calculated and the revenue shortfall will need to be made up from other sources, namely property taxes, user fees and water and wastewater utility rates.

It should be noted that the services included for development charges recovery in this study include the additional non-discounted services based on changes to the Development Charges Act (DCA) that came into force through Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act on Sept 18, 2020. The previously discounted services of Library Board, Indoor Recreation, and Park Development were updated and have been included within the amended DC by-law in accordance with the DCA changes. Parking services, along with Parkland Acquisition and other community amenities as appropriate, may be examined as part of a future Community Benefits Charge (CBC) by-law under the Planning Act. The Parking Development Charges rates as per Bylaw 60-2015 will continue to apply in addition to new calculated development charge rates, until the earlier of September 18, 2022 or adoption of a Community Benefits Charge Bylaw.

City-Wide Development Charges

Calculated City-wide development charges are summarized below. The Parking Development charge rates as per By-law 60-2015 will continue to apply in addition to the new calculated rates until the earlier of September 18, 2022 or adoption of a CBC Bylaw.