Charges By-law. By 2042, the City will need to fund an additional $8.66 million per annum in order to fund the life cycle costs associated with the new area-specific assets in Sandwich South.

Development Charges Rate Comparison

City-Wide Rates

The current City-Wide DC rates are below the provincial average based on the 2019 BMA Municipal Study, which shows that across the province, the average fee for residential-single family detached homes is $36,546 . This is higher than Winds or’s current rate of $30,053 and the new calculated rate of $30,488. The new calculated rate is $435 or 1% higher than the current rate.

The BMA provincial average for non-residential - commercial properties is $203.54 per square meter. Wi ndsor’s Cit y-Wide rate is currently $142.89 and even at the newly calculated rate of $146.68, it will still be considerably lower. The new calculated rate is $3.79 or 3% higher than the current rate.

Finally, the average provincial fee for non-residential - industrial development is $117.33 per square meter, while Windsor’s is currently NIL and is recommended to remain at that level.

Comparisons for the current vs. calculated City – wide residential single family rates and non-residential commercial rates are detailed in the charts below.