The applicant is requesting site specific Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments that would support the construction of a Multiple Dwelling on the site.(See - Concept Plan)

The City of Windsor Official Plan currently designates the site “Commercial Corridor” and “Residential”.

The proposed residential use conforms to the Residential designation.

While the Commercial Corridor designation does not specifically permit the proposed Multiple Dwelling building, various areas of the City with the Commercial Corridor designation currently benefit from a commercial zone (CD2.2) that permits residential units above commercial uses (Campbell & Wyandotte, N/E corner of Jefferson and Tecumseh, Wyandotte E, west of Jefferson. While not specifically stated in the Commercial Corridor polices of the Official Plan, these examples illustrate that permitting residential units in areas designated Commercial Corridor is an accepted practice.

The Multiple Dwelling building development is not currently permitted in the Commercial Corridor designation. The applicant proposes that the site be re-designated “Residential” to accommodate the proposed use. Administration is of the opinion that it would be more appropriate to apply a site specific special policy area to this site. The Site Specific Special Policy Area would permit Multi-unit Dwelling buildings in this location, and still maintain the opportunity for commercial uses at this intersection in the future.


That the City of Windsor Official Plan, Volume II, Part 1 – Special Policy Areas, BE AMENDED by adding site specific policies as follows:

  1. The property described as Lots 9 and 10, and Part of Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, Registered Plan 931, Known Municipally as 1680 Tecumseh Road West; 1378 Campbell Street, 1366 Campbell Avenue and 0 Campbell Avenue. (Northeast corner, Intersection of Tecumseh Road West and Campbell Avenue), is designated Commercial Corridor on Schedule A: Planning Districts and Policy Areas in Volume I – The Primary Plan;

  2. Notwithstanding the “Commercial Corridor” designation of the subject land on Schedule D: Land Use in Volume I – The Primary Plan, “multiple dwelling” shall be an additional permitted use.


  1. Amend Schedule A: Planning Districts and Policy Areas in Volume 1: The Primary Plan to add the following Special Policy Area,

    a. Northeast corner, Intersection of Tecumseh Road West and Campbell Avenue.

  2. This amendment shall be implemented through amendment to the Zoning By-law 8600 as recommended in Report Number S XXX/2020, (Z 015-20 [ZNG-6124]).