Item No. 10.2

Council Report: C 54/2020

Subject: 2020 Development Charges Study & Bylaw Update


Date to Council: December 7, 2020
Author: Tony Ardovini
Deputy Treasurer - Financial Planning
(519) 255-6100 Ext. 6223
Financial Planning
Report Date: November 20, 2020
Clerk’s File #: GPL/3905

To : Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT City Council APPROVE the November 5, 2020 Development Charges (DC) Background Study prepared by Hemson Consulting Ltd., along with recommendations endorsed by Development Charges Task Force, and that a new DC Bylaw, being a Bylaw to Impose DCs in Windsor BE BROUGHT BACK to City Council for Final Approval in January 18, 2021.

Recommendations for the new DC Bylaw to be Approved on January 18, 2021

1. THAT City Council PASS Bylaw #XX-2021, being a Bylaw to Impose Development Charges in Windsor effective January 18, 2021 with the rates outlined below, and policies & CPI indexing as recommended by the DC Task Force and approved by City Council.

The schedule of development charges imposed by Schedule “ A ” for City Wide and Schedule “ B ” for the affected Sandwich South Planning District Area as outlined in Schedule D of Bylaw #XX-2021 are as follows:

City Wide

Single Detached Units

$30,488 / unit

Semi, Row Units

$17,158 / unit

Other Residential

$14,110 / unit

Industrial Development

$0 / Square Metre of GFA

Other Non-Residential Development

$146.68 / Square Metre of GFA or $13.62 / Square Foot of GFA