
  1. When any clothing donation box and the area immediately adjacent to the clothing donation box are not maintained pursuant to the requirements of this by-law, the Chief shall send a Notice, by registered mail or direct delivery of the Notice by hand to the owner or occupants last known address, requiring the owner or occupant as the case may be to make the clothing donation box and the surrounding land conform to the requirements of this by-law and the Notice shall specify the time allowed for compliance.

  2. The Notice contained In subsection (1) shall be deemed to have been given on the 11th day after it was mailed if it Is sent by registered mail.

  3. No person shall fah to comply with a notice sent pursuant to subsection (1).



  1. Where a notice has been sent by the Chief pursuant to Section 11, and the requirements of the notice have not been complied with, the City may remove the clothing donation box or undertake work to bring the clothing donation box and the surrounding area Into compliance with the by-law at the expense of the owner.

  2. The costs of the work or the removal pursuant to subsection (1) may be recovered from the owner by action or by adding the costs to the tax roll and collecting them in the same manner as taxes. 


ENACTED AND PASSED this 10@' day of April, 2013. 




CITY CLERK                                                                                                MAYOR