Item No. 7.3

Council Report: C 231/2020

Subject: Response to Council Directive CR137/2020 re Jefferson Private Park – Ward 6


Date to Council: December 7, 2020
Author: Wira Vendrasco
Deputy City Solicitor - Legal and Real Estate
519-255-6100 ext 6375
Legal Services, Real Estate & Risk Management
Report Date: November 20, 2020
Clerk’s File #: SR2020

To : Mayor and Members of City Council


That City Council RECEIVE the response to Council Directive CR137/2020 for information.

Executive Summary:



Report C27/2020 which provided information about private parks along the north side of Riverside Drive East is attached for Council’s information as appendix “A”. After considering this report on April 27, 2020, Council passed CR137/2020. This council resolution reads as follows:

DecisionNumber: CR137/2020

That the report of the Deputy City Solicitor dated February 13, 2020 entitled “Response to CQ25 - 2019, Private Parks” BE RECEIVED ; and further,

That administration BE DIRECTED to prepare an additional report for Council’s consideration on how best to observe the intent of the original plan of subdivision for Jefferson Private Park, so that Jefferson Private Park could somehow be titled to the people that have an easement over it (i.e., all the residents on Jefferson Avenue between Riverside Drive East and Wyandotte Street).
