Recommendation Priority Timeframe Additional Operating Costs
6. Operate the Adie Knox Herman Recreation Complex arena as a year-round dry-floor venue for lacrosse, ball hockey, pickleball and other appropriate activities, thereby decommissioning the arena's ice-making equipment. The feasibility and costs involved with permanently converting the arena to an accessible, warm activity space should first be determined through an engineering study of the arena building prior to its conversion (to be aligned with the architectural study identified in Recommendation #2 of the Recreation Master Plan), Removed by Council Resolution #CR630/2019
7. Undertake improvements to Forest Glade Arena and Capri Pizzeria Recreation Complex arena to improve the user experience and accessibility, funded in part through reallocated operational savings associated with the decommissioning of Adie Knox Herman Arena. It is recognized that the recent addition of community space to the Capri Pizzeria Recreation Complex has provided significant community opportunities beyond the ice pads. Removed by Council Resolution CR630/2019
8. Engage prospective agency and institutional partners to gauge interest to establish a community hub in the City's south end (Ward 9) to provide convenient, accessible, and affordable gymnasium space (and other complementary spaces such as multi-purpose space). Establishing a community hub in Windsor's south end should only be pursued if the City can identify a suitable partner that can assume a portion of capital and operating costs. High Short-Term To be determined
9. Explore opportunities to establish a designated walking route through circulation areas and/or major facility components (e.g., gymnasium or arena pad) at the WFCU Centre, along with consideration of an indoor walking track as part of the architectural study proposed for the Adie Knox Herman Recreation Complex (see Recommendation #2 of the Master Plan). Medium Short-Term To be determined
10. Multi-purpose program rooms in existing community centers. halls and libraries should be evaluated for their ability to be improved through expansion, flooring, lighting. storage or other functional enhancements that allow a greater range of programs to be delivered within them. Specific locations that should be considered include Adie Knox Herman Recreation Complex, Mackenzie Hall, and other locations identified by City staff. Medium Ongoing To be determined
11. The design and redesign of recreation centers and parks, along with the associated services delivered within them, should consider age-friendly principles in a manner that is consistent with Windsor's Age-Friendly Action Plan and ongoing feedback received from the City of Windsor Seniors Advisory Committee. High Ongoing To be determined