Item No. 8.3

Council Report: C 225/2020

Subject: Photocopier Lease Versus Buy Analysis-City Wide


Date to Council: December 7, 2020
Author: Florence Lee-St. Amour
Manager of Accounting Services
(519) 255-6100 x6228
Financial Accounting
Report Date: November 10, 2020
Clerk’s File #: AE2020

To : Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT the City of Windsor CONTINUE TO SATISFY its photocopier needs by leasing in accordance with the new Master Agreement from the Ministry of Government Services, Workplace Print and Services Vendor Of Record (VOR) Arrangement #11359 which remains in effect until February 28, 2023 and any subsequent renewal periods that may apply, and FURTHER that in those instances where the specific photocopier needs cannot be accommodated within the parameters of the Master Agreement from the Ministry of Government Services, that departments be authorized to satisfy such photocopier needs following normal protocols required under the City’s Purchasing Bylaw.


In accordance with Ontario Regulation 653/05 and the Corporate Leasing Policy, photocopier lease rentals fall under the definition of a lease and must be reported to City Council.

CR95/2004 requires a buy versus lease analysis be conducted for every new Ministry Standing Agreement to determine if leasing is still the preferred option. Administration has undertaken a buy versus lease analysis of the new Master Agreement from the Ministry of Government Services, and consistent with past analyses, leasing continues to be more advantageous for the City. Appendix A summarizes a brief buy versus lease analysis under the proposed Ministry Master Agreement. Photocopiers have traditionally been considered to be non-material leases under the Corporate Leasing Policy.