LARGE SCALE RECREATION FACILITIES Council shall encourage large-scale public recreation facilities, such as arenas and pools, to be located within or adjacent to Community and Regional Parks and where: 

  1. there is direct access to Arterial or Collector Roads;

  2. full municipal physical services can be provided;

  3. public transportation services can be provided;

  4. adequate off-street parking can be provided; and

  5. the use will be compatible with the surrounding area in terms of scale, massing. height, sitting. orientation, setbacks, and landscaped areas. 

COMMUNITY SERVICES Council will encourage community services such as libraries. emergency services and community centers to be located adjacent to Community and Regional Parks where: 

  1. there is direct access to Arterial or Collector Roads;

  2. full municipal physical services and emergency services can be provided;

  3. the use will be compatible with the surrounding area in terms of scale, massing, height, siting, orientation, setbacks and landscaped areas:

  4. public transportation service can be provided: and

  5. adequate off-street parking can be provided. 

METHODS OF ACOUISIT1ON Council may acquire lands for Public Open Space purposes through the following methods: 

  1. conveyance as a condition of planning approval pursuant to the Planning Act according to the following provisions: