Item No. 7.2
Council Report: C 227/2020
Subject: CQ 27-2020 – Regulation of Landscape Overgrowth - City Wide
Date to Council: December 7, 2020Author: Joshua Meloche
Legal Counsel
519-255-6100 ext 6850
Legal Services, Real Estate & Risk Management
Report Date: November 12, 2020
Clerk’s File #: AB2020
To : Mayor and Members of City Council
That Council RECEIVE the response to CQ 27-2020 for information.
Executive Summary:
At the Council meeting of September 14, 2020 Councillor Costante asked the following question:
CQ 27-2020
Assigned to City Solicitor:
Asks administration to REPORT BACK to City Council on opportunities to expand our bylaw # 3-2006 – a bylaw to establish standards respecting yard waste and exterior property maintenance and to prohibit littering in the City of Windsor – to assist in better enforcing overgrowth of all types of landscaping, and any overgrowth in general that is neglected by the property owner.
Subsections 8(1)- (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001 (“ MA ”) provide municipalities with the broad authority to govern its affairs and to respond to municipal issues by creating by-laws regulating, prohibiting or creating a licencing system for matters in question. Furthermore, section 128 of the MA provides municipalities the authority to pass by-