Official Plan policies for the ‘Mixed Use’ designation allows for ‘Large Scale, Low Profile’ residential structures containing 9 or more residential units. A minor Official Plan Amendment is being requested to permit, on a site specific basis, a ‘Small Sca le, Low Profile’ building with 8 residential apartments.

“(a) Low Prof ile development is a building or structure generally no greater than fourteen (14) metres in height. Low Profile Housing development is further classified as follows; (i) small scale forms: single detached, semi-detached, duplex, and row and multiplexes with up to 8 units ; and (ii) large scale forms: buildings with more than 8 units;”

The minor Official Plan Amendment (OPA) will provide a site specific policy to recognize the existing structure as a 2 storey building with four apartments on the second floor, a converted main floor with three residential units and a basement with one residential unit for a building containing 8 residential units as a Small Scale, Low Profile Residential apartment building.

Official Plan policies for the mixed use area recognize and support alternative options to on-site parking when dealing with the re-establishment of historical building profiles and revitalization of buildings and streetscapes. In my professional opinion, the Official Plan policy supports the continuation of residential land use on site and the adaptive re-use of the existing building’s main floor commercial to residential with parking alternatives such as the support and use of public transit and bike parking provided on site.

A minor Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) has been requested to establish site specific regulatory framework to permit the conversion of 3 commercial main floor units to 3 residential units and for the inclusion of one basement residential apartment for a total of 8 residential units in the existing building. Also, the site specific by-law will recognize that there is no existing or proposed on-site parking and that there will be the provision of 17 bike parking provided on site. This will provide for 2 bike parking spaces per unit and one visitor parking space.

This report provides the rationale and support for the minor Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment that will maintain the ‘Mixed Use’ designation and the ‘Commercial District 2.2 (CD2.2 )’ zone with a site specif ic amendment to support the rejuvenation and revitalization of the low profile, small scale building without on-site car parking.