The building is fully serviced and does not require the extension of municipal services.

The building was constructed well over 75 years ago and prior to the passing of the Zoning By-law. The building was constructed without on site parking. To accommodate alternative modes of transp ortation and support the municipal healthy community’s initiative, 17 bike parking spaces will be provided for the residential units to the side of the building.

The building is located on the University Ave municipal bus route and bike trail.

In my professional opinion, as a historically existing building without on site parking, the adaptive re-use of the structure will help to reduce land consumption. The OPA and ZBA will support the rejuvenation of the existing building and neighbourhood.

f) improving accessibility for persons with disabilities and older persons by addressing land use barriers which restrict their full participation in society;


The OPA and ZBA will provide for the inclusion of residential apartment units on the main floor of the existing building providing for a small scale, low profile residential building. Accessibility will be established in compliance with the OBC for all the residential units.

g) ensuring that necessary infrastructure and public service facilities are or will be available to meet current and projected needs;


The building exists on full connections to municipal infrastructure and public services. Capacity is available in the municipal infrastructure to accommodate the additional 4 residential apartment units. The four new units will replace 3 existing commercial units on the main floor of the building.