The building is historically existing with residential on the second floor and commercial on the main floor. The commercial units are not viable commercial spaces and are of the age that they require cost prohibitive upgrading and renovations for questionable rental as commercial units.

The building is existing and has been built to the lot line at University Ave. The building is on an established building line consistent with the other buildings located along University Ave.

“ Section Development Strategies

“Encouraging a range of housing types will ensure that people have an opportunity to live in their neighbourhoods as they pass through the various stages of their lives. Residents will have a voice in how this new housing fits within their neighbourhood. As the city grows, more housing opportunities will mean less sprawl onto agricultural and natural lands.”


The second floor residential apartments have existed for a number of years and require upgrading. The renovations to the residential units will assist in providing modern, upgraded, alternative housing.

The 3 main floor commercial units have been vacant for a number of years. The proposed renovations will provide 3 additional, alternative residential units.

The adaptive re-use of the commercial units to residential units, in my professional opinion, provides for a full tenancy and the proposed renovation will result in an efficient and effective adaptative re-use of existing infrastructure, as intended by the OP.