one park. While some may see this as a reduced level of service, the previous service level exceeded the standard.

The size of playground equipment installed is generally based on the anticipated volume of users for the park. As such, Regional / Community parks will require larger playgrounds than smaller Neighbourhood parks. This level of service could be revisited and consideration given to reducing the number of large playgrounds making them medium and looking at the current medium playgrounds to determine if smaller ones should be installed. This would be a reduction in the level of service and while it might reduce the overall capital cost for the installation of new playgrounds, it is expected the cost will still exceed current available funding.

The requirement for AODA standards will also assist in increasing the safety of our playgrounds by using rubberized materials. Sand will not be acceptable for compliance with AODA standards for all new and redeveloped playgrounds. Only rubberized or wood fibre surfaces will be compliant. In addition the overall cost to maintain sand or stone surfaces over the life of the asset is higher, and labour intensive.

Council may choose to sustain the previous level of service as well. In all scenarios presented in this report there is a need for additional funding which needs to be addressed. Funding from the Parkland reserve could be used, however this would impact the ability to purchase future land for parks. Other projects could be cancelled in the Capital Budget. The priority and criticality of those projects would need to be reported to Council. Alternatively Council could chose to increase Capital funding allowing for playgrounds to be addressed.



Option ‘A’

Option ‘A’ entails the eventual replacement of all playgrounds that are currently in the system or have been removed to date. The existing equipment would be replaced with small, medium and large, CSA/AODA compliant units. The combined total of existing and removed play units is 148.

Option ‘B’

Option ‘B’ entails the overall reduction in the number of playgrounds to 125 units. This reduction represents the elimination of play units that are in close proximity to another play unit, or is a play unit in a park that is on the park disposition list and a consolidation of units at one site.