OP Policy #




The new unit will be affordable rental, close transit and local amenities.

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Neighbourhoods are the most basic component of Windsor’s urban structure and occupy the greatest proportion of the City. Neighbourhoods are stable, low-to-medium-density residential areas and are comprised of local streets, parks, open spaces, schools, minor institutions and

neighbourhood convenience services.

scale and retail

The three dominant types of dwellings in Windsor’s neighbourhoods are single detached, semi-detached and townhouses.

The density range for Windsor’s neighbourhoods is between 20 to 35 units per net hectare.

This density range provides for low and some medium-density intensification to occur in existing neighbourhoods. Multiple dwelling buildings with medium and high-densities are encouraged at nodes identified in the Urban Structure Plan.

The proposed residential development is in an existing built-up area.

There will be no change to the exterior of the structure, which allows the multiple dwelling to blend with the surrounding area.

The Site is not in a node, however, offers appropriate infilling in the existing neighbourhood.

The area is pedestrian friendly allowing people to access nearby amenities, such as public spaces, commercial nodes, and recreational activities. The proposed density offers an opportunity to efficiently use municipal infrastructure.

The Site will provide affordable housing.



The implementing healthy community policies are interwoven throughout the remainder of the Plan, particularly within the Environment, Land Use,

The proposed development will support the City’s goal of promoting a healthy community (live, work and play).