• 1.1. The Corporation of the City of Windsor will utilize necessary and appropriate controls for the recording and reporting requirements of contaminated sites compliant with generally accepted accounting principles as outlined in the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) standard 3260 Liability for Contaminated Site (compliance required by legislation).


    • 2.1. This policy will facilitate PSAB 3260 compliance by providing guidance for:

      • 2.1.1. The recognition, measurement and disclosure of liabilities, within the City’s consolidated financial statements, resulting from responsibility for in-scope contaminated sites.

      • 2.1.2. Inventory maintenance and continued accounting of all applicable contaminated sites.

    • 2.2. This policy excludes any consideration of budgeting and/or funding aspects related to any and all costs associated with potential and/or identified contaminated sites.

  3. SCOPE

    • 3.1. This policy applies to all City of Windsor departments, agencies, boards and commissions (ABCs) funded by the City of Windsor, in whole or part, or whose governing body contains City of Windsor representation AND whose financial transactions are accounted for within the City of Windsor’s financial systems.

    • 3.2. PSAB 3260 financial reporting is applicable only for sites that are no longer in productive use. These are also referred to as inactive sites.


    • 4.1. Mayor and Council are responsible to:

      • 4.1.1. Ensure, through administration, that policies and procedures are in place to account for contaminated sites liabilities.

    • 4.2. Corporate Leadership Team Members or designates are responsible to:

      • 4.2.1. Ensure that their respective Executive Directors, and/or direct reports, comply with this policy and all related procedures that facilitate the identification, recording and reporting of contaminated sites.