Recommendation Priority Timeframe Additional Operation Cost
24. Construct three major skateboard parks to serve gap areas with consideration given to the areas of East Windsor (Ward 5). South Walkerville (Ward 4). Remington Park (Ward 10), Devonshire (Ward 9), South Windsor (Ward 1), and Roseland (Wards t and 91. Potential locations may include Captain John Wilson Park, AKO Park, Remington Booster Park, a future park, or another site(s) identified by the City. Future major skateboard parks should be a minimum of 1,250 square meters in size with a similar level of design as Windsor's existing skateboard parks. Consultation with the skateboard (and other action sports) community is encouraged.  Medium  Medium to Long- Term  Yes 
25. Investigate opportunities to construct small-scale skate spots or "skate zones' within parks to enhance the geographic distribution of skate opportunities. Skate spots or zones may consist of one or two basic skate features such as a rail or curb.  low  Ongoing  Yes 
26. Consistent with the Parks Master Plan, target a provision of one playground structure to be located within neighborhood parks (at a minimum) or within 800 meters of residential areas, without intersecting major barriers such as major arterial roads, railways, 01 other physical barriers. Any new or redeveloped playgrounds will be accessible and could include natural play components, and challenging/adventure play features as appropriate.  Medium  Ongoing  Yes 
27. On a case-by-case basis, install outdoor fitness equipment along major trail routes such as the Riverfront Trail, West Windsor Trail, and South Windsor Trail, or at parks near areas with high concentrations of older adults and seniors, including any regional or community parks, community centers, or other locations identified by the City.  Medium Short to -Medium Term  Yes 
28. Remove the outdoor pools at Central Park and Mir Mac Park upon reaching the end of their respective lifecycles. At that future time, convert the Central Park outdoor pool and wading pool to a splash pad.  High  Medium to long- Term  No 
29. Proceed with the splash pad approved for Forest Glade Optimist Park. Other splash pad locations that should be considered include Fontainebleau Park, Alexander Park, Elizabeth Kishkon Park, or Sandpoint Beach.  Medium  Short to Medium-Term  Yes 
30. Work with Life After Fifty to determine current and anticipated increased participation rates, organizational capacity, emerging needs of older adults, and determine the most appropriate service delivery model for the future.  High  Medium-Term  To be determined 
31. Monitor the impact of the Physical Activity Working Group and the Community in-motion initiatives to increase physical activity and decrease sedentary behaviors.  Medium  Ongoing  No