These announcements are presented to City Council as this time for information. Consideration of the additional measures must be carefully weighed in terms of short and long term strategic plans, unintended consequences and administrative effort. While there may be beneficial impacts for property owners, such impacts do not affect the manner by which the 2021 Interim Tax bills are to be prepared. As such, more information will be provided in detail at a later date.

Typically following the completion of the annual budget deliberation process, Administration will prepare and present a detailed and comprehensive tax policy report for Cit y Council’s consideration . Following the completion of the 2021 Budget, Administration will begin this process inclusive of the recent announcements made by the Province. This analysis and discussion will form the basis for the establishment of the 2021 property tax rates. Once property tax rates are established, final property tax bills will be issued. This process typically concludes in June. Interim taxes levied by way of this report will deducted from any balance owing for the remainder of the year.

Billing Due Dates and Instalment Dates

Section 342 of the Act provides that a municipality may pass a by-law prescribing one or more instalments on which taxes will be due. Historically, City Council has directed that property taxes be payable in six instalments (three interim due dates and three final due dates).

There are several acceptable methods for making payments including telephone or internet banking, over-the-counter at many financial institutions and via cheque. Cheques may be delivered through the mail or drop-off boxes located at City Hall.

Payments can also be made as part of one of the City’s three approved Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) plans. These include due date plan, mid-month plan and end of month plan. There is also a fourth plan, taxpayer defined plan, which is reserved for those individuals who have had trouble in paying their property taxes and are in arrears.

Following past practice, Administration is recommending the following due dates for purposes of the 2021 interim tax bills.

Pre-Authorized Payment Plan Due Dates Regular InstalmentDue Dates
Installment Date Mid-Month End of Month
17 Feb-2021 16 Feb-2021 26 Feb-2021 17 Feb-2021
17 Mar-2021 15 Mar-2021 31 Mar-2021 17 Mar-2021