Moved by: Councillor Francis

Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie

Decision Number: CR588/2020

That Council ENDORSE the establishment of a Mandatory Downspout Disconnection Zone for the area bounded by Norfolk St. to the North, Dougall Ave/Howard Avenue to the East and the Herb Grey Parkway to the West and South; and,

That a Mandatory Downspout Disconnection Pilot Project, the boundaries to be determined by the City Engineer, BE UNDERTAKEN within the Mandatory Downspout Disconnection Zone with an upset limit of $250,000 funded by Project ID#7199004 – Sewer Master Plan Implementation Project; and,

That the results of the Mandatory Downspout Disconnection Pilot Project BE COMMUNICATED to Council once sufficient data is available; and,

That Administration BE DIRECTED to review the Sewer and Coastal Master Plan and undertake measures that can be completed in the short-term including adjusting the pumping station operational elevation in Lake Como, with an upset limit of $35,000 funded by Project ID# 7102003 – Southwood Lakes Shore Restoration; and,

That the City Engineer BE DIRECTED to bring forward a dedicated inflow and infiltration funding program to address inflow and infiltration measures; and,

That Council APPROVE the ditch survey and inspection of private culverts on residential streets in Ward 9 impacted by the flooding of the August 28, 2020 storm event to an upset limit of $100,000 funded by Project ID#7199004 – Sewer Master Plan Implementation; and further,

That administration BE DIRECTED to request copies of Herb Gray Parkway Maintenance records and schedules on a regular basis and that any concerns identified or conveyed BE REPORTED back to Council.


Report Number: C 221/2020

Clerk’s File: SW2020

11.1. Contracting Out Caretaking Services – Phase II- City Wide

Richard St. Denis, Resident of Ward 5

Richard St. Denis, resident of Ward 5, appears before Council to state opposition to the proposed contracting out of caretaking services phase II, as there has been enough contracting out of good paying jobs and concludes by suggesting that contracting out has negative spin-off effects and also negatively affects morale in the workplace.