salary adjustment required to maintain the 50th percentile for 2015. In 2016, the findings of the survey required a 0.7% adjustment to the non union salary schedule to continue to align with the 50th percentile. The Transit Windsor Board of Directors and City Council approved this increase through decision numbers, ETPS 554 and B35/2018, respectively.


In conducting the 2015-2016 salary market review the Colette Annetts, Annetts & Associates, the “Consultant” made the following recommendation:

Currently, the selection is based on budget, employee size and population. Additional criterion should be added – number of buses, routes and size of transit budget. The organizations used for Transit comparisons do not have to match the organizations used for the City of Windsor. Not all municipal comparators for the City of Windsor have transit services. Some Municipal organizations contract out this service. It is important to find appropriate matches for Transit Windsor that meets its unique needs separate from the City’s needs.”

Prior to starting the salary market review for 2017-2018, administration met with the consultant to discuss the above recommendation. To better align Transit Windsor with its comparator group, the Consultant was asked to review the Canadian Urban Transit Associations (CUTA) data and determine the most appropriate comparators for Transit Windsor.

The comparator group used for the 2015-2016 salary market review are as follows: