The Consultant has reviewed the CUTA data and based on this assessment, has recommended removing Mississauga, Oakville and Thunder Bay and replacing them with Guelph and Kingston. This better aligns Transit Windsor to comparator municipalities when looking at such criteria as ridership, number of buses and number of employees.

Risk Analysis:

It is recommended that the Salary Market Review 2017-2018 be completed using the agreed to methodology with updated comparator municipalities. The risk is moderate given Transit Board of Directors directive requiring the Salary Market Review be completed every 2 years using the agreed upon methodology.

Financial Matters:

As the 2017-2018 Salary Market Comparison Review only recently got underway the financial impact of this review is unknown. The future impact of changes to the non union salary grid will have to be calculated once the Committee has reviewed the information provided by the Consultant. At that time calculations will be included within the final recommendations to the Transit Windsor Board of Directors and Council.


Colette Annetts, Annetts & Associates

Sara Ouellette, Total Compensation Specialist


Undergoing a Salary Market Comparison Review for 2017-2018 with a good set of sample comparison data allows Transit Windsor to meet its obligation to the Transit Windsor Board of Directors, assisting in the maintenance of our market competitiveness and providing a competitive compensation package that will retain and attract the most talented and productive non-union employees, management and senior leaders.

Planning Act Matters:



Name Title
Vincenza Mihalo Executive Director, Human Resources
Patrick Delmore Executive Director, Transit Windsor
Mark Winterton City Engineer/Corporate LeaderEnvironmental Protection– andInfrastructure Services