Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Moved by: Councillor Costante

Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie

Decision Number: ETPS 782

THAT should Council wish to make changes to the existing Residential Parking Permit process or area restrictions, that Administration BE REQUESTED to recommend updating the Parking Control Changes Policy to include the residential permit program.

Councillor Francis voting nay.

Report Number: S 108/2020

Clerk’s File: ST2020


9.1. The Contributory Pension Plan for Employees of Transit Windsor - Actuarial Valuation as at December 31, 2019 - City Wide

Councillor McKenzie inquires about continuing the contributions to the Pension Plan and to defer taking a contributory “holiday” to a later time. Pat Delmore, Executive Director Transit Windsor appears before the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee via video conference regarding the administrative report The Contributory Pension Plan for Employees of Transit Windsor- Actuarial Valuation as at December 31, 2019 and indicates that consideration was given to continuing the payments, however they have to look at each year in its entirety. Mr. Delmore adds that they could have continued to make the payments which would have made the contributions higher for the next year and possibly would not be in a position to take a contributions holiday. Mr. Delmore indicates the contributions are based on the previous year’s financial statements and the decision was that they take the holiday this year recognizing some of the financial constraints that the city is encountering this year.

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie
Seconded by: Councillor Francis

Decision Number: ETPS 783

THAT the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee sitting as the Transit Windsor Board of Directors:

  1. APPROVE the Actuarial Valuation of the Contributory Pension Plan for Employees of Transit Windsor as at December 31, 2019; and,

  2. DIRECT the Executive Director of Transit Windsor, as the Plan Administrator, to forward the Actuarial Valuation as at December 31, 2019, to the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions and to the Canada Revenue Agency; and,

  3. APPROVE the reduction of the established Letter of Credit by $153,931.