Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee
Wednesday, August 26, 2020


North of Wyandotte


Report Number: S 106/2020

Clerk’s File: ST2020

8.6. CQ 6-2020 New Residential Permit Areas - City Wide

Councillor McKenzie inquires about requests for residential parking permits and the reasons they are only assessed once every 5 years in a specific area. Shawna Boakes, Senior Manager, Traffic Operations & Parking Services appears before the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee via video conference regarding the administrative report CQ 6-2020 New Residential Permit Areas and indicates that when there is a changeover in a neighbourhood, i.e. someone moves in or out, administration receive many calls related to parking and adds if an area has already been petitioned by another resident, administration does not want to review an area multiple times, hence the 5 year timeline was selected.

Councillor McKenzie inquires whether any neighbourhood in the city would be required to meet the 95% threshold in order to qualify for the residential permits. Ms. Boakes indicates that the initial step is an assessment by Administration and a review of the area as a whole to ensure that one street’s problems are not pushed onto another street. Ms. Boakes adds that a report would then go to Council, and if Council decides to designate that area as a residential permit area, the residents would then go forward with a petition.

Councillor Costante inquires when there is an assessment of an area, could there also be room for an assessment of the 95% threshold specifically referring to the area surrounding the University of Windsor and adds there is a high concentration of students who reside there and one of the challenges is in meeting the 95% threshold, which is the nature of the street as transient and it is difficult to acquire the signatures. Ms. Boakes indicates that a threshold has to be selected for the overall policy and then City Council can make the decision to change that number when they review individual reports related to specific areas.

Moved by: Councillor Francis

Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

THAT the report in response to CQ 6-2020 – New Residential Permit Areas BE RECEIVED by Council for information.

The motion is put and is lost.

Aye votes: Councillors Francis and Kaschak.

Nay votes: Councillors McKenzie, Costante, and Holt.

Abstain: None.

Absent: None.