these zones though appropriate signage and temporary traffic controls; and further,

4. That the City Engineer BE DIRECTED to clarify whether, going forward, in regard to the community’s desire to see the subject section of Wyandotte Street East narrowed, if there’s a need for an environmental assessment.

This report responds to item 4 of the resolution.

The subject section of Wyandotte Street East noted in the resolution is the portion of the street within the Pillette Village and Riverside BIAs. A map is provided as Figure 1.

Figure 1: Subject Section of Wyandotte Street East

Related Council Direction

At its November 18, 2019 meeting, Council passed the following resolution:

CR563/2019 DHSC 103

That Report No. 20 of the Windsor BIA Advisory Committee - Lane reduction on Wyandotte indicating:

That Administration BE REQUESTED to report back on the feasibility of lane reduction on Wyandotte Street East from St. Luke to Lauzon Road in light of the passing of the Active Transportation Master Plan by City Council.