As of the date of this report, the school is under construction and the GECDSB has indicated that the school will open in winter 2021.

The school will have accesses on Mercer Street and McDougall Street:

The school will also have frontage on Giles Boulevard, though no pedestrian accesses or driveways will be provided on Giles Boulevard.

School Neighbourhood Policy

The School Neighbourhood Policy was adopted by Council in October 2016 (Council Resolution CR645/2016). This policy provides overall guidance on the City’s approach for schools, including measures aimed at:

For existing schools, Administration’s approach has been to bring streets around schools into compliance with the School Neighbourhood Policy as resources allow.

For new schools, Administration’s approach has been to bring streets around the new school into compliance with the School Neighbourhood Policy for the school’s opening day.

Windsor Residence

The Windsor Residence, located at 1101 McDougall Street, provides social housing services, including a number of assisted living units. Because the Windsor Residence is home to a significant number of people with disabilities, there are frequent pick-ups and drop-offs by Handi-Transit and patient transfer services. These pick-ups and drop-offs