Risk Analysis:

No significant or critical risks exist from the current model, Option #1 for operating the Community Gardens on Municipal Property, nor would it exist in updating the Policy to reflect what is outlined as Option #2. There are six community gardens operating on City property in good standing with the City of Windsor.

With Option #1, the Licensee will provide comprehensive general liability insurance satisfactory in form and content to the City as required in the licence agreements.

With Option #2, the City would establish Community Garden Guidelines, the Code of Conduct and a Gardener Waiver to be signed by each gardener assuming all risks associated with their use of the community garden, and releasing and indemnifying the City from any claims or actions resulting from their use of the community garden. If a group so chooses to acquire their own insurance, they are free to do so but it would no longer be a requirement.

There is a resource risk to the City, in the event that the volunteer Community Garden Coordinator decides to leave the garden. To minimize this risk, the City would require a “back-up” Community Garden Coordinator or an established network of interested individuals for each community garden.

Climate Change Risks:

Climate change mitigation

Both proposed options in the report would result in an initial increase in greenhouse gas emissions when a new community garden is being developed, due to the procurement of materials and creation of garden plots. Any emissions increased due to the creation of the gardens would be quickly offset through the production of local food.

Climate change adaptation

Community gardens, as green infrastructure, can reduce urban heat islands, increase stormwater retention, and create food security, increasing resilience to climate change. Depending on what is being grown, they can provide ecosystem services to endangered species such as native bees and butterflies.

Financial Matters:

There is currently $5,000 dedicated to community gardens as part of the Environmental Master Plan Operating Budget. Currently these funds are intended to be used for education and to purchase and install standard City of Windsor signage at the gardens.

Option 1:

Once approved, the development of new community gardens is the responsibility of the applicant.