
With this option, all existing gardeners would have the opportunity to continue gardening as individuals. The Policy states that one of the goals is to “facilitate equal opportunity for all residents to apply for a community garden”, with that in mind, this option would also allow a broader group of people to garden, without having to be affiliated with a Licensee or satisfying the insurance requirements. The City would still be covered by the existing insurance at the Parks. Administration would expect an uptick in the number of community gardens requests on municipal property.


Increased annual responsibility and work for Environment & Sustainability Coordinator. As more community gardens are created, the time needed to prepare will increase as well. Even established gardens will need time dedicated to planning and ensuring that all is in place for the growing season and oversight throughout. Gardener fee of $40 may be prohibitive to some. Cost to develop a new community garden would become the responsibility of the City.

  Option 1: Status Quo Option 2: City Led Community Garden
Oversight of community gardens Licensee that enters into a 2 years Licence Agreement with the City Environment Coordinator& Sustainability
Coordination of community garden Licensee Any entity or individual gardener who wishes to take on the responsibility of the Community Garden Coordinator and signs the Community Garden Coordinator Agreement annually.
Insurance $2,000,000 in comprehensive general liability insurance, satisfactory in form and content to the City’s Manager of Risk and Insurance. Insurance certificates are reviewed, approved and maintained by Risk Management. Recommended, but not required.
Gardener fee Not required by the City. A proposed annual gardener of $40.fee
Community Garden Waiver Not required by the City Each individual gardener required to
Cost of developing new community garden Responsibility of the Licensee Responsibility of the City at an approximate cost of $500 per garden plot.
Site Plan Approval Environment & Sustainability Coordinator in consultation with Parks Environment & SustainabilityCoordinator in consultation withParks