Valuation Results – Going Concern

Financial Status

A going concern valuation compares the relationship between the value of Plan assets and the present value of expected future benefit cash flows in respect of accrued service, assuming the Plan will be maintained indefinitely.

The results of the current valuation, compared with those from the previous valuation, are summarized as follows:

  31.12.2019  31.12.2018
Market value of assets $34,778,000 $32,901,000
Going concern funding target     
Active members $2,913,000 $4,434,000
Pensioners and survivors   $23,533,000  $22,715,000 
Deferred pensioners $240,000 $229,000
Total   $26,686,000  $27,378,000 
Funding excess (shortfall) $8,092,000 $5,523,000

The going concern funding target includes a provision for adverse deviations.