Reconciliation of Financial Status

Funding excess (shortfall) as at previous valuation  $5,523,000 
Interest on funding excess (shortfall) at 4.90% per year  $271,000 
Expected funding excess (shortfall)  $5,794,000
Net experience gains (losses)  
  • Net investment return  
  • Indexation  
  • Mortality  
  • Retirement  
Total experience gains (losses)   $2,279,000 
Net impact of other elements of gains and losses   $19,000 
Funding excess (shortfall) as at current valuation   $8,092,000 

Current Service Cost 

Mortality The current service cost is an estimate of the present value of the additional expected future benefit cash flows in respect of pensionable service that will accrue after the valuation date, assuming the Plan will be maintained indefinitely.

The Plan was frozen December 31, 1999 and effective January 1, 2000, pension benefits are earned under OMERS. Since additional benefits do not accrue under the Plan after that date, there is no current service cost for future benefits.

The current service cost during the year following the valuation date, compared with the corresponding value determined in the previous valuation, is as follows:
  2020  2019
Total current service cost excluding expense allowance  $0  $0 
Expense allowance   $100,000  $100,000 
Total estimated employer’s current service cost $100,000 $100,000