Other Considerations

The Municipal Class EA provides minimum requirements only; municipalities have the option to exceed the requirements of the Class EA by carrying out additional reviews or consultation.

In the case of Schedule A and A+ projects (i.e. projects that are exempt from EA requirements), the Class EA recommends considering the magnitude and impacts of the project when choosing the appropriate consultation strategy and level of review. The Class EA further notes that some roadway changes that are classified as Schedule A+ because of their low cost may have the potential for significant impacts on traffic patterns and area residents and businesses, and may warrant a higher level of public consultation because of this.

The Active Transportation Master Plan, Walk Wheel Windsor, recommended further in-depth review for the streets identified as multi-modal corridors before active transportation facilities are added. As one of the multi-modal corridors identified in the ATMP, this recommendation would apply to Wyandotte Street East in the Pillette Village and Riverside BIAs.

Council resolution CR563/2019 directed Administration to carry out a feasibility study for a lane reduction on Wyandotte Street East between St. Luke Road and Lauzon Road. This study would satisfy the need for a corridor study for the Pillette Village and Riverside BIAs.

Risk Analysis:

No critical or significant risks are associated with this informational report.

Financial Matters:

No financial expenditures are associated with the report recommendations.


Dwayne Dawson, Operations

Shawna Boakes, Traffic Operations


Under the current Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA), a road narrowing on Wyandotte Street East in the Pillette Village and Riverside BIAs would require an EA (either a full 5-phase EA or a limited process) or may be exempt from EA requirements, depending on how the road narrowing is carried out.

Under proposed changes to the Municipal Class EA, a road narrowing would be a Schedule A+ project (exempt from EA requirements, public notification recommended) regardless of how it is carried out.