
The requirements under the current Municipal Class EA for a road narrowing project vary depending on how the road narrowing is carried out. The following alternative approaches were considered for a road narrowing (i.e. reducing the number of general purpose lanes on a street):

  1. Using pavement markings to reallocate the existing pavement width (e.g. by converting general purpose lanes to parking lanes, bicycle lanes, or continuous left turn lanes). This approach can also include physical construction at specific locations, such as curb “bump-outs.”

  2. Reconstructing the roadway to reduce the number of general purpose lanes.

The requirements of each of these alternatives under both the current Municipal Class EA and the proposed amendment to the Municipal Class EA are summarized in Table 1. Additional details are provided in Appendix 1.

Table 1: Required Class EA Schedule for a Road Narrowing Project

Alternative Municipal Class EA Schedule
Current Version Proposed Update
1. Reduction in lanes using pavement markings and localized physical construction A+ A+
2. Reduction in lanes by road reconstruction B or C (depending on project cost) A+


The summary in Table 1 is based on roadway-related project elements only. If a road narrowing project were coordinated with other work (e.g. sewer or watermain work), it is possible that this other work would dictate a higher schedule for the entire project.

The proposed update to the Municipal Class EA takes a significantly different approach to road narrowing than is taken by the current version of the Class EA. The update, if approved, will exempt road reconstruction projects that reduce the number of general purpose lanes from the more stringent public consultation and approval requirements that apply to roadway widening projects.