Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

P. Delmore, Executive Director Transit Windsor appears before the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee via video conference regarding the Minutes of the Transit Windsor Advisory Committee of its meeting held May 26, 2020 and indicates that administration is currently in negotiations with the three student associations and adds it will have an impact on transit services, as the classes will be held online for the fall 2020. Mr. Delmore adds that discussions with the university associations have centered on what other universities are doing recognizing that we have a tuition-based fee that all students pay into and many of them will not be in Windsor. Mr. Delmore indicates that a recommendation was provided to the university this week, which they are hoping will be accepted. Mr. Delmore indicates that this will have a financial impact on Transit Windsor, however, it will also be offset by those students at the University who still need transportation. They will be required to pay a higher rate similar to the rate that would be paid for a St. Clair College student.

Councillor Costante inquires about the term of the agreement with the University. Mr. Delmore indicates that it is in perpetuity until there is a referendum on it, and adds that the agreement was in circulation for signatures at the time that COVID-19 hit. He adds that the three associations are still interested in signing the contract.

Moved by: Councillor Costante

Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie

Decision Number: ETPS 771

THAT the minutes of the Transit Windsor Advisory Committee of its meeting held May 26, 2020 BE RECEIVED.


Report Number: SCM 183/2020

Clerk’s File: MB2020

7.2. Report No. 8 of the Transit Windsor Advisory Committee - Request to recognize Transit Windsor as an essential service

Councillor McKenzie inquires whether the City of Windsor currently designates Transit Windsor an essential service.

Pat Delmore, Executive Director Transit Windsor indicates that this is not the case to his knowledge. Mr. Delmore adds that the only essential service public transit system in all of Ontario is the Toronto Transit Commission, which was provincially mandated during a strike in 2008.

Councillor Francis expresses concern with sending this motion to Council without knowing some of the details as this will affect collective bargaining and a persons’ right to strike. He suggests a more fulsome report be provided that includes the ramifications, next steps and possible consequences.