Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Councillor Kaschak questions the status of the procurement of Plexiglass for Transit Windsor buses. Mr. Delmore indicates that some work has been done in house by the body shop technicians. He adds there have been a number of work refusals across the province due to the glare and risks associated with Plexiglass.

Councillor Kaschak inquires about the tweak to the 1C route. Mr. Delmore responds by indicating a public consultation session will be held this year.

Councillor Kaschak inquires about ridership in the month of June and the first three weeks in July. Mr. Delmore reports that fees are still being waived at this time. They are seeing slight ridership increases each week and are monitoring the ridership daily. As of last week, the ridership was at 36,000 rides in comparison to a normal period a year ago of 140,000 rides per week. A week ago, the number of passengers allowed on board each bus went from ten to twenty and a few additional routes were added.

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie

Seconded by: Councillor Costante

Decision Number: ETPS 772

THAT Administration BE REQUESTED to prepare a report outlining what constitutes an essential service under pandemic response protocols and how that designation informs service level commitments to the community from the City with a specific focus on Public Transit; and,

THAT the report ADDRESS legal consequences or obligations that derive from this designation if any and, what legal or procedural options could be considered to improve the decision making process including but not limited to only Council consultation when service levels for essential services are to be altered; and,

THAT the report OUTLINE the emergency powers afforded to the Chief Executive of the City of Windsor as outlined by Provincial Legislation; and further,

THAT the report BE BROUGHT BACK to the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee for consideration.

Report Number: SCM 184/2020

Clerk’s File: MB2020


8.1. Recommendation of a Revised Local Improvement Policy and Initiation of Construction of a Sanitary Sewer and Private Drain Connections on Baseline Road from 7th Concession Road to 8th Concession Road as a Local Improvement under this new policy – City Wide