Description of the Project

Cost Limit for



A: exempt from EA requirements

A+: exempt, public notice recommended

B: limited public consultation and screening document required

C: full 5-phase process

19 Reconstruction where the reconstructed road or other linear paved facilities (e.g. HOV lanes) will be for the same purpose, use, capacity and at the same location (e.g. addition or reduction of cycling lanes/facilities or parking lanes – no change to motor vehicle lanes may decrease but not increase)

No limit


31 Reconstruction or widening where the reconstructed road or other linear paved facilities (e.g. HOV lanes) will not be for the same purpose, use, capacity or include additional lanes for vehicle travel but will remain at the same location

No limit


20 Redesignation of a Linear Paved Facility through signage or pavement marking modifications (i.e. not requiring physical construction beyond localized operational improvements described in activity No.17 above):

  • • addition or removal of parking or turning lane markings on an existing roadway

  • • conversion of one-way or two-way streets

  • • redesignation of existing General Purpose

Lane (GPL) or on- street parking to High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) or cycling lanes/facilities; vice versa:

  • • addition or removal of cycling lanes/facilities or continuous turn lanes

No limit
