Chair Kaschak stated that many residents are inquiring when the depots will reopen. He noted that questions on this matter will be discussed with Agenda item number 12 – Other Items.

Moved by Marc Bondy
Seconded by Ed Sleiman

THAT the Board receive the EWSWA Operations and COVID-19 report as information.

Carried Unanimously

B. Utility Tractor Tender Award

The Manager of Waste Disposal referred to page 17 of the agenda package. He explained that the purpose of the report is to recommend the award of the tender for one new Kioti, model PX1153 PC Utility Tractor to E.R. Vollans Ltd. This utility tractor will be used to cut grass at the Regional Landfill, closed Landfill No. 2 and closed Landfill No. 3.

In March 2020, the Authority issued a tender for the supply of one (1) 4 Wheel Drive Utility Tractor. The tender specified that the tractor be new or used, a 2015-2020 model year with 90-110 PTO HP and with a maximum of 800 engine hours to attract a lower cost. This Utility Tractor will provide increased horsepower for pulling a triple deck bush hog mower deck for grass cutting and will also accommodate the existing ditch cutting mower and have an enclosed cab for safety. This Utility Tractor will replace the existing 10 year old tractor which has reached the end of its useful life.

The tender was emailed directly to 9 equipment suppliers, posted on,, the EWSWA website and was advertised in the Windsor Star and County newspapers. The tender closed on April 16, 2020 at 12:00 pm.

Due to the restrictions in place for COVID-19, tenders were couriered to the Civic Centre and opened by the Manager of Waste Disposal following the closing time. Four (4) tender submissions were received. One tender was received after the closing deadline and was not opened and was returned to the supplier.

The tender package submitted by Delta Power Equipment included 2 bids, McGrail’s Farm Equipment submitted 1 bid and E.R. Vollans Ltd. submitted 1 bid. All bids were reviewed for compliance with the tender specifications.

E.R. Vollans Ltd. submitted the lowest bid of $ 72,666.87 (excluding taxes).

Authority Administration is recommending the acquisition of the Kioti Tractor, model PX1153 PC as supplied by E.R. Vollans Ltd. at a cost of $ 72,666.87 plus applicable taxes. This unit will replace an existing tractor which was purchased new in 2010. The old unit will be sold through a competitive sales process such as GovDeals. The new unit will be financed from the Equipment Replacement Reserve. The cost of the Utility Tractor is below the 2020 budget estimate of $133,000.