Defined  Term Description
Market value of assets The decrease in market interest rates has been assumed to affect only the market value of the fixed income investments. The decrease is assumed to have occurred immediately on the valuation date.
Discount rate assumption It was assumed that the decrease in market interest rates affects only the expected return on assets for the fixed income portion of assets. The same margin for adverse deviations was used 
The discount rate assumption was therefore decreased from 4.90% to 4.80%.
Other assumptions Except as mentioned above, all assumptions used were the same as those used for this valuation. In particular, the discount rate used to value benefits assumed to be settled through a lump sum was not changed.

Deterioration of Asset Values

The purpose of this scenario is to illustrate the sensitivity of the Plan’s going concern results to a deterioration of asset values. For this purpose, we assumed an immediate reduction in the market value of the Plan’s non-fixed income assets, where non-fixed income investments include the following categories as shown in the investment policy summarized in Appendix B.

Using a methodology consistent with the one used to determine the going concern discount rate, we have determined that a decrease of 10% in the market value of value of non-fixed income assets would have a non-trivial probability (between 1 in 10 and 1 in 20) of occurring within the year following the valuation date. For purpose of this scenario, we have assumed that such a decrease would occur immediately on the valuation date and would have the following impact on the value of assets and going concern assumptions:

Market value of assets The decrease in the market value of the non-fixed income portion of assets is assumed to have occurred immediately on the valuation date.
Going concern assumptions This scenario is assumed to have no impact on the assumptions used for this valuation.