mitigate blight and the spread of insect borne disease during breading season for the protection of persons.

Administration has undertaken a review of the City’s current swimming pool bylaw to address an increase in public complaints related to swimming pool maintenance. Specifically, swimming pools/covers not being maintained or pools not put into service during swimming pool season that have stagnate water (see Appendix “A” photos) that promotes the breading of mosquitos that are known vectors for West Nile and Zika virus in our region.

Administration has sought out the best practices/regulations from a number of by-laws from other municipalities and have incorporated them into one comprehensive by-law. Highlights of the new proposed bylaw are as follows:

7.4 - Backwash discharge requirements



Risk Analysis:

Financial Matters:

The City of Windsor’s 2020 User Fee Schedule Bylaw includes inspection fees for the administration of orders issued under the swimming pool bylaw. Orders issued pursuant to the bylaw are levied an inspection fee of $200.00 at the time of issuance. Additional fees are applied at various stages of non-compliance and prosecution if necessary to encourage compliance and defer the cost of enforcement from the taxpayer to the contravener.

In addition to inspection fees, the bylaw also allows the City to take whatever action is required to bring the property into compliance with an order issued pursuant to the bylaw; the costs of such action may be added to the tax roll, and collected in the same manner as taxes.