Item No. 8.2

Council Report: S 82/2020

Subject: Housekeeping Amendments to By-Law 160-2010- A By-Law to Prescribe Swimming Pool Enclosures and Maintenance in the City of Windsor - City Wide


Date to Council: July 22, 2020
Author: Roberto Vani
Manager of Inspections
519-255-6267 x 6834
Planning & Building Services
Report Date: June 11, 2020
Clerk’s File #: SB2020

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That Council PASS By-law XX-2020 being “A By-law To Establish Standards, Regulations and Maintenance Requirements for Swimming Pools, Their Enclosures and Equipment” and, REPEAL By-law Number 10-2010, being “A By-law To Establish Standards, Regulations and Maintenance Requirements for Swimming Pools, Their

Executive Summary:



The proposed new Swimming Pool By-Law is established pursuant to the authority of the s. 10(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, which provides the authority to pass By-laws respecting health, safety and well-being of persons, protection of persons, and property and structures including fences. The underlying objective of a swimming pool bylaw is to implement a layered approach to safety and in doing so foster a safe swimming pool/hot tub environment for all residents. A swimming pool bylaw can also regulate swimming pool maintenance, required enclosures (see Appendix “B” diagrams) and associated equipment. An effective bylaw ensures residents maintain safe and secure backyard environments for their family, friends and neighbours, while still deriving full enjoyment from their pools and hot tubs. Additionally, such a bylaw will ensure residents maintain their swimming pools, associated equipment and winter covers to